The Strengthening Families, Strengthening Communities (SFSC) programme established by the Race Equality Foundation is offered by multiple local authorities, charities, and parenting support groups, especially those focusing on disadvantaged families. They have identified it as a fundamental step towards successful parental intervention. Run under the structure and guidelines of the Race Equality Foundation, we will offer the parents a 13-week training programme Run by two SFSC qualified and experienced facilitators and using materials purchased from the Race Equality Foundation, the sessions will also provide support to parents to ensure their attendance. This includes the provision of refreshments, childcare, and transport to make it easier for parents to attend. Parental learning and engagement resources will be provided in multiple languages and formats suitable for our multi-ethnic users whose English is not their first language. It will cover issues such as managing anger, developing empathy, violence prevention techniques, understanding behaviour, emotional management, and social skills.
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