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In celebrating and reflecting on black history, we are exploring what it is like to use artistic and creative expressions. It enables black people in Nottingham to explore their identity through various artistic and creative mediums. We will offer creative packs and materials, along with an online platform. You can use these activities for your own personal reflection and enjoyment, or share them with us for future exhibitions online and in physical spaces. The purpose of this project is to give black residents of Nottingham the opportunity to creatively explore and express their identity and relationship to the city they call home, as well as to help other communities comprehend these perceptions from black people's perspectives. We have created a YouTube playlist with a variety of interesting videos about Black British history, identity, and creativity in an effort to empower and inspire! We decided to concentrate on the history of being black in Britain because it is rarely discussed but is also very fascinating.
FYA- My black identity playlist

My black identity Magazine issue

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